Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

i found this comic hilarious. the others are great too.
i want asparagus. :(

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Back from a six hour drive

so, we went shopping, and we were on our way to Vienna. No, we were in Vienna, and mitchell calls and says that we dont have to pick him up until Tuesday. we were 10 minutes away from the metro station, and he was still in Maryland. So, i know he's an ass, but im not too upset. i got to go to home depot. i love that place :)
i got the stuff for rome day, and i just cut up some peiaces of almost stale bread like they used to have, and i cut some cheeses cubes, i have raisins, and olives, and plates, and cups. that was a run-on.


i was not aware that "breakfasty" was an accepted adjective. pardon me.

im not sure what to say

human rights-Jimmy Carter much?:

i was really bored so i went to the-n.com and started taking quizzes. just felt like checking in. i have to pick up mutchell from the metro station with mom, and go shopping for Rome Day tomorrow. that's about it. bye!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


ok, im going to attempt to sort this out. I know im going to fail miserably, but whatever.

  1. That post was written before i knew exactly why you were mad at me.
  2. You of all people should know that morals actually do change.
  3. i am personally still trying to sort out the drugs and alcohol stuff. Just give me some time. and i know what your going to say," If i give you the time your asking for you'll be dead by then!" and i dont know how to respond to that.
Yah, i am a piece of shit. i realize this. no, im not trying to say "ooohh! im not worth anything!". i know i have potential, i just refuse to use it.

Dude, my life has been flipped upside down. i dont understand this any more than you do.

Another thing i dont understand is you blaming him for this. it's my body; my decision.
i know that if i told him i wanted to quit drinking, quit smoking, he would support me, and keep an eye out for what i want from myself.

I know your talking to me like an outsider looking in. And i know have crushed all of my previously principles. i dont know what to tell you otherwise.

i know you are going to stop caring. But i do appreciate the insight you gave me before you did.

love, me.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Sadie, i dont see how i lied to you. i did not tell you we got high, but that was only because you were already calling me a skank for sleeping in the same tent as leeroy! Plus, we were talking about it during latin class! how the hell was i supposed to tell you about it when
1, hunter was right there, and ,
2 you wouldnt let me get a word in edgewise?
then , i was gonna tell yuo after class, but you went off to talk to chrissy. i didnt get a chance. And yes, i know it sounds like im blaming it all on you, but i dont mean to. if i had really wanted to tell you, i would have. But, i figured you would read it on here. and you did, but you say i lied to you. The only way i could have lied to you would have been if i said " no, we didnt get high!"
thats lying. not saying something is just omitting. And why wont you look at me? i was trying to talk to you, but you wouldnt let me. i dont want you mad at me. just talk to me.

On a different subject, i have a 100% in geometry, which i brought up from a 0.

Mitchell is helping me sort out some things im confused about with my friends and stuff, and it's kinda helping i understand some more, and my self esteem has risen ever so slightly.

Mitchell got laid off from work, so he's home all the time now.

this Sunday is 4/20. Mitchell's gonna try to have some friends over at our real house which means he might be spending this week cleaning it and getting it ready. Fuck yeah. Yet, thinking about it, i probably wont even do it. the memory loss scared me. Besides, it will prolly be good to have at least one sober person there... :)

Mitchell got me three packs of camels, that i gave him the money for. But the dumb cracker got regular when i do lights, and they dont have filters :( Assmunch.
whatever. im not complaining (much).

well, that about sums it up. Grammy is dying, so maybe we'll be home by next week? idk anymore. Love ya, bye

Thursday, April 10, 2008


i went to visit Grammy yesterday with mom. We were there for like an hour, we brought flowers and everything. then, this morning on the way to school, Ginger calls mom. She tells mom that Grammy told her this morning on the phone that we were never there. in fact, she told us on the phone last night to not come. Do you understand this? i dont. oh! and as we were headed for the elevator, this old guy starts talking to us as if 1, he knows us, and 2 he knows the person weve been visiting, and its a he. he says like, " If you come back tomorrow, he'd really appreciate it " shit like that. Hospitals are depressing.

Monday, April 7, 2008


camped out this weekend with leeroy and austen. i know someones gonna yell, but we got high, and we tried to roast marshmallows on the dying fires. in short, it was really fun... As soon as my grandmother kicks the bucket and i move back home, im gonna have a party. pretty much, anyone who doesnt snitch can come.i know im gonna invite Josh, Logan and Austen, but more can be added. Just finished dinner here. it's Ginger and Roger's anniversary, so we had steak and baked potatoes. Yum. i know i sound kinda out of it, and i am, but im fne. ima go now. buhbye

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Not a Rhetorical post. Answer me.

Do me a favor? IF you live in virginia, stand up, and walk out the closest door or open a window for a moment. Feel the change in winds and texture of the air? Those are the winds of change. I don't know what will happen to you, but I have a good notion of what's going to happen to me. It is my personal opinion that my grandmother will be dead within two weeks. Sometimes the effect of the weather on you is predictable. i know this sounds really wierd, but look deep into yourself, and try seeing what might happen. just try. What do you see? Tell me.