Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Written on paper yesterday

You know that thing about how when you get nervous you bite your fingernails?Well i have found that i bite mine when i get depressed. Today while swimming in the pool with Jessica and Mitchell flirting and snuggling on the other end i chewed my thumbnail to the nailbed. It used to be about an half and inch long.

it's about to rain. i'm siting outside the front door writing this in a white t-shirt.and tattered jeans. i never wear white... But i must say, it's a good change from the usual dreary black.

I'm gonna go inside and put on whatever music i damn well please. Fuck them.

that was written yesterday, here's todays entry.

I convinced mom to take me to gingers this morning so i could check my email(inbox=30!!!)
so here i am. A few things to report...
Kaitlyn's coming over Thursday, i think...

My Dad is coming back to live with us. Goodie.
I guess we'll see how it turns out, hmm?

I currently have a rat's nest where my hair used to be. I wouldn't be surprised if it spontaneously combusted right about now.
I dont know what i want right now. i pnly know what i dont want :

rum, or any type of alcohol
mindless flirting that will never go anywhere

fuck it.

I guess i'll just wait for Amanda or Leeroy to sign on.


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