Sunday, November 23, 2008


im sitting here with leeroy playing strong bad beside me, my Edward poster staring at me, and papers making sounds everytime I lean back.
you know, I know my attyitude has cg=hanged. all the people i have told to fuck off, i've been talking to again which im afaraid may be givng them false hope.
since i know one of them is reading this, i feel as though i should say this nicely.
nothing has really changed.
i simply have good days sometimes hwere i dont really care about people annoying me.
and umm...
the thing where you said soemthing about my brother in gym class?
if i lie, and you know it, i assume you know it and expaect you to just keep going with it.
i have to do that with a lot of my " friends" now. i'll tell them how my weekend was in general but change the details to make them less....incriminating.
so yah.
now that that's cleared up, im gonna go play with my hair I think. maybe some braids or beads.
hope everyone's life is going better than mine.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


he was denied bond until the trial on January 9th.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


well hot flocking damn!
haven't updated here in a while!
C went to jail for 5 days
M is currently in jail for threatening S.S. supposedly even though i dont think he did it
when they came to take M's compy away for inspection they saw the house and didnt like it so they called DSS whjo is maing us clean like mofos
kailtyn sperad it around that my house is gross so the school board got ahold of it and they reported us. which we actually have evidence of from our informants and the fact that when our sheriff came for the compy she started taking pics of the house and saying our house wasnt fit for epople.
hell yes it is. suck my cock.
so he's in jail.
grandma had a stroke.
dad's goign to stay with gramps and tina for a few days.
he's gonna visit grandma in mayr washington hospital.
my hair has pink streaks in it.
i miss my brother.
my parents want me to do homeschool.
and i think i might for next semester just to see if i liek it.
cuz then i ciuld go see Sara in PA again.
i went o her house.
for a weekend.
it was fun, made soem friends... had a flour fight... went corning for cars and her dog got hit.
watched them play twister.
"if you're not wearing underwear, left foot red"
rode up with Penza his mom, candace and his moms boyfriend.
they dropped us in breezewood where Sara's dad picked us up.
the frist night no one was thwere.
then the next day was her party.

i think i remember more but im tired.