Sunday, November 23, 2008


im sitting here with leeroy playing strong bad beside me, my Edward poster staring at me, and papers making sounds everytime I lean back.
you know, I know my attyitude has cg=hanged. all the people i have told to fuck off, i've been talking to again which im afaraid may be givng them false hope.
since i know one of them is reading this, i feel as though i should say this nicely.
nothing has really changed.
i simply have good days sometimes hwere i dont really care about people annoying me.
and umm...
the thing where you said soemthing about my brother in gym class?
if i lie, and you know it, i assume you know it and expaect you to just keep going with it.
i have to do that with a lot of my " friends" now. i'll tell them how my weekend was in general but change the details to make them less....incriminating.
so yah.
now that that's cleared up, im gonna go play with my hair I think. maybe some braids or beads.
hope everyone's life is going better than mine.

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