Monday, December 31, 2007

tools. 8:25pm

here i am, drinking a Screwdriver and crem De Menthe my brother made me, and wondering why they call it a Screwdriver. It's a nice little drink. Bye!


I have a friend that I'm going to call Cally. She moved away towards the beginning of the school year.She and her dad were tired of this small gossipy town, so they left. If you're reading this, I love ya, Babe! Be careful!

Bored Time- 1:48pm

Mitchell and his friend Eve are asleep in his room. I didn't go to sleep until 5. Mitchell woke me up at 6 to get me out of his room. My dad called at 11:30, but I didn't tell him I have a computer yet.Slept until 12:30. Then woke up about five minutes ago. I'm gonna go take a shower so I can dye the ends of my hair tonight. Bye!

Time 11:41

i just noticed the times on these posts are completely off, so I'll put it on every time.

Memory Loss

Shit! I forgot to list the specifics about Stephen Stills. He goes into surgery on January 3rd, his 63rd birthday. This Still (heh...punny) makes me sad. Bye!


My list of resolutions:
  1. Don't be such a God Damn Goody two shoes! Start drinking,smoke, wreak havoc on Puryear who recently found out whose little sister I happen to be......(to be explained)
  2. Appreciate what I have. recently, a good friend told me I was pathetic because I didn't appreciate anything I have. While I still think this was rude, I also think she was correct.
  3. Explore my sense of style. Although I will never be able to dress like my brother-who wears more makeup than I do- I'd like to try something new.
  4. Stop whining.(see # 2)
thus marks the beginning of my resolutions. When I think of more, I will post them. Bye!


Ah, New Years is upon us once again. I will embrace 2008 for the following reasons:

  1. My ancient cat, Baby Ace, has lived yet another year.
  2. 2007 brought a lot of Hardship my way(to be explained later)
  3. New Years resolution gives me another chance for Anorexia to kick in! w00t!
  4. And last but certainly not least, BUSH'S LAST YEAR!!!! In your face Republicans!
*dances to celebratory music* I'm a Liberal from what I can tell. I will wear Red, White and Blue once that idiot is out of office.

Maybe I'll drink.... I Mitchell would let me....Must ask him... ok. Bye!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Mitchell still has some of Panera's stuff in his closet. He's cleaning it out( the closet, not the stuff) so I just got a kick ass over shirt that is too big for him. It goes perfectly with the blue John Lennon
shirt I'm wearing. I also got Panera's old stuffed tiger and A teddy bear.

I also saw a few things that I think might have been Dad's. Mitchell claims it's not true, but he has been stealing from Dad for a while now. It is stating to really piss me off.


I am completely obsessed with Pinball Wizard By The Who So I'm gonna go listen to that. Bye!


I'm cold now. I've been in Mitchell's room for the past 3 hours so the lack of heat in my room is a shock to my system.
Kay. Bye!


My Aunt Denise Died in August. I had just been spending the summer with her. I had been visiting home and I was about to go back there.
She watches me. I can feel her. All the time. Sometimes it's not as intense, because she's looking over her two kids. God I feel bad for them. Her daughter found her. Dead. I the middle of her apartment.
Her daughter is adopting a baby from Uzbekistan in January.
I miss Aunt Niecy. bye.


Stephen Stills has been diagnosed with prostate cancer! This makes me sad. I love Crosby, Stills Nash And Young! what ever. I'm bored . On to MS Paint!
Well, Now I'm depressed. I just emailed my big sister. Well, she's not biologically related to me, but- let me explain.

Last year, my brother's ex-girlfriend moved in with us. Her Step dad was being a bastard, so she needed a place. Panera quickly became part of the family. She supported me just like a big sis. BTW, sorry about calling you Panera. I don't want to give your real name!
Anyway. From what I can tell and have been told, while I was at my Aunt Denise's house ( more about her later) Mitchell( my brother)and Panera got into a fight. She moved out. I miss her so much. Hon, if you're reading this, *hugs!* * doesn't let go* *has to be removed by police*
I love you.

Purple Dinosaur

Well, here is the dinosaur that George and I drew. Enjoy!


ok. You don't know my name. I would like to keep it that way. I am a very paranoid person most of the time, so this works.

Do you know what it feels like to have to check over your shoulder on the way home from school to reassure yourself no one is following you? yeah. Not fun.
the random picture up there is my portrayal of Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozbourne. Now that I have figured out how to get pictures on here, I'll show you the one with the dinosaur. bye!
Well, seeing as I have no life outside of school and we're on Christmas break, I 'm going to be posting a lot. I got an email from my other best friend , besides Owen and George,Andrew. He
is living with his mom for a year and he hates it.

I think the reason I wanted a blog was so that I could talk freely to people it didn't matter to anyway. I mean, who cares what a teenager thinks she knows? Look for that segment to come up later; it was fun to write. See! You go find an average teenager that wants correct punctuation! I don't know what i'm trying to say, either. Sorry. Bye!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

25 Things I Know

All right. I'm a teenager, and pretty ordinary at that. People always bitch about how teens think they know everything. While we might think so, it's DEFINITELY not true. Even so, I do know some things.

  1. I know I slept on the huge comfy bean bag chair my mom got me that could fit 3 of my fat asses last night.
  2. I know I have a permanently brown head from a miss-dying for Halloween.
  3. I know my friends are awesome even when I'm a bitch.
  4. I know I have a new crush that I am not going to specify since my brother will visit this blog.
  5. I know my bedroom door is freaking awesomely painted on my part, with lyrics on the front with other stuff and famous assassinations on the other side.
  6. I know if you saw me on the street, you'd hide your face and run for your life.
  7. I know that if I hadn't discovered Help! by the Beatles at such a crucial time in my life, I probably wouldn't be here right now.
  8. I know my father doesn't live with us anymore.
  9. I know my brother and his friend are in his room playing Animal Crossing.
  10. I know Owen(not his real name) has the best shoulder-pillow you can use.
  11. I know my neighbor is an awesome hippie who would give the shirt off her back for us.
  12. I know I used to carry around a brass duck I named Orbie from a Nineties kid's show that I would love to know the name of.
  13. I know my aunt died over the summer and she watches me.
  14. I know I believe in ghosts.
  15. I know I am Agnostic.
  16. I know I just finished tonight's dinner of spaghetti.
  17. I know I cannot resist dancing to Pinball Wizard by The Who.
  18. I know I'd step over anybody to see The Who(Get it?).
  19. I know I now love Wikipedia, seeing as I just found the origin of Orbie there.
  20. I know I used to love the show Katie and Orbie.
  21. I know Disco was as good as dead the second someone suggested Disco Duck.
  22. I know I am in a Geometry class that I'm not supposed to be until 10th grade and I'm flunking.
  23. I know my house does not have television, so we watch alot of DVDs.
  24. I know I wish Mark David Chapman was never born(Look him up if you don't know the name).
  25. I know I am a misfit, but so was Rudolph!
See? I know a lot, but not everything. I admit this openly. There's more to this list, but my back is hurting from being on the computer for so long. Thanks for reading. Leave a comment! Bye!
You know, I may be a fat little piece of shit ,but I'm okay with that. After being constantly reminded of this for 14 years by my piers and my family, it's sunk in.
My point is, I'm tired of being judged from the outside. I get weird looks when I talk about food, as if i should start being anorexic or something. Newsflash, people! I tried that! Once I started getting hunger headaches for days at a time and people noticed I wasn't eating, I had to give it up. So see? I tried, but I have no will power!
Moving on.
This ( hopefully, if I uploaded it correctly) is a picture my friend George and I drew. That's not his real name, by the way. Kay. bye!
wait. crap. It didn't work, so I'll tell you about it. It's this little school with a playground on the left, and on the right there is this huge winged purple dinosaur . What ever. I thought it was hilarious. Anyway.

4:37 december 29

Well, I'm new to the internet. I know what your thinking "ugh! She's a stupid Noob!" But I'm going to prove that quotation wrong.I'll be back later. Bye!