Sunday, December 30, 2007

Well, Now I'm depressed. I just emailed my big sister. Well, she's not biologically related to me, but- let me explain.

Last year, my brother's ex-girlfriend moved in with us. Her Step dad was being a bastard, so she needed a place. Panera quickly became part of the family. She supported me just like a big sis. BTW, sorry about calling you Panera. I don't want to give your real name!
Anyway. From what I can tell and have been told, while I was at my Aunt Denise's house ( more about her later) Mitchell( my brother)and Panera got into a fight. She moved out. I miss her so much. Hon, if you're reading this, *hugs!* * doesn't let go* *has to be removed by police*
I love you.

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