Monday, February 25, 2008

Thanks for the wristband, Austen

not much going on... i've been bored... Well, i talked to Cally the other day, and we talked for a bit. Damn, i miss her. I need a cigarette. and a drink. i don't really feel like being alive right now, so i'm gonna go. Love you guys. bye.

Monday, February 18, 2008

As i lay me down to sleep

depressed... my hand hurts... cant sleep...don't want to sleep... cuz that's when they get you.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


as you can see, i have fallen in love with bunnyhero labs. the animals are so friggin cute!!!i love how you can interact with them and play.well, if i see any more, i'll probably get them, but the others on the site dont interest me as much. love you ! bye!

omg where is he???

mah tiguh

dirty puppy

this one's for you, mandai

god i hate this book

it was frank!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

he's such a monkey

something's fishy...

my other pet!!!

Look what i got!!!

since few of you have actually seen him, i adopted a Baby Ace look alike from a website for free. It'll follow your cursor! it's so cute!

peace snail


i feel so free today! Leeroy and i stayed up until 5 after mitchell had fallen asleep. we went into the basement,and talked and played on the computer.After i fell asleep on the bed,he took the couch.

Before mitchell conked out, we all played hid and seek at 4 in the morning. It was surprisingly fun.
ill talk later. love you! bye

great weekend

Leeroy ended up coming over here to help us housesit. i got drunk for like the first time in 2 months. we spent most of the time sitting out on the porch smoking and talking. This has already been a really fun weekend.Bye guys! Love you!

Friday, February 15, 2008

All You Need is Love. And Ginger Snaps

Have i ever told you guys how much i love you?
Brownies:you provided entertainment( lesbian?) and a good friend
War girl: things didn't really work out, but for a good amount of time, you were there for me, and still are to some extent
Austen: where to begin? you put up with my bullshit, yet still stay. Amazing.
Mairead: Yes, we haven't known each other for long, but you're awesome. And scary. perfect combination.
i cannot say it enough. i love you all to death. And beyond. Remember that.


So, i'm sitting here, with Leroy on my left with a cigarette in his mouth. Retard. i just smacked it out of his mouth and now he's crying.( poor baby) i'm gonna go smoke, or somehting. bye, guys

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy V Day!

Hooray! Hallmark Holidays! i sent myself a carnation cuz i figured no one would send me one, but: Kaitlyn sent me one, Adam sent me one, Leroy sent me one, Austen sent me one, and the system messed up, so they said that he sent me two more. But it was so nice! It really surprised me, especially Leroy's. Although i know it was only cuz i told him i sent him one, it was still nice.
Thank everybody! Happy Valentines day, Mairead, Eve and Amanda! Love you all!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

not addicted, but i act like it cuz it's fun to hear you guys yell

what the fuck do you have to do to get a cigarette around here? Jeez!

a weekend shot

this weekend, Mitchell and i have to housesit for my aunt.the good thing is, that i will have high speed all weekend! yay me!

I got a call from my other aunt, Martha who is living with us at my grandmother's house, saying that Grammy fell out of her wheelchair. How do you accomplish this? She's 76 for god sakes! Whatever. Well, she bumped her head and Martha had to call the rescue squad to pick her back up and make sure she was ok. i'll tell you one thing. life with my family is rarely boring.

i just finished two really depressing book. one about a girl with leukemia and the other about a girl with anorexia. The plot lines were very confusing, but they are now two of my favorites. The leukemia one was My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult, the other one was Skin by someone else.... both very worth reading. they're tear jerkers. i'm gonna go read another book that i started yesterday by Jodi Piccoult called Nineteen Minutes. All of her books that i have read ( this is the third) have many backround stories, and there is no main one. It skips around a lot in time. This one is about a school shooting, a judge, and her daughter. It's really good. Well, bye! love ya!

an Ice Day?

Woo-Hoo! No school! but shit. i still have to buy flowers... whatever. i'm gonna go read. bye!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


*hums to self* Oh, Hello! Do i know you? Ah, yes. We met at that crab bake two years back. i thought you looked familiar. How have you been? Married? Great! So sorry i couldn't make it to the wedding. Me? Well, not really... We were dating for three years, then i found out he was cheating on me. Thanks for the support. Whatever, it's his loss; Dirty Bastard. Left me and poor two year old Isabel here to fend for ourselves. i told her that daddy was taking a trip and that he'd be home soon. How are you supposed to explain abandonment to a child? When from the very beginning of their fragile lives, they are taught to trust without a second thought. Don't worry honey! Mommy won't let you fall! or " i promise ". Promises are the biggest load of bullshit on this earth. Anyone who believes otherwise is a money-grubbing prick raised in private school, where every weekend your parents take you down to their private bay so you can Yacht race and wipe you ass with fifty dollar bills. Oh. i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to rant. How are you?

Everyone: Try to interpret the aspects of this monologue. i guarantee none of you will get it completely right, seeing as i don't know what they are.

Monday, February 11, 2008


i tried inhaling when i smoke, and i almost died.Mitchell said it's not dumb to smoke without inhaling, so its ok. I prefer not to. Hi, Eve! If any of the posts say something rude about you, just try to put yourself in my position, ok? love yas!
so, thank you for reading this, brownies, and thank you for not screaming at me like Sadie will...
me: sorry i think that one's cute
imy dad is back at nancies house and he has xmas presents
4:45 PM Netsua: the Ashwaghanda is the aphrodisiac
me: including one's for us from our dead aunt
Netsua: aw
that made me a little teary
me: well, she died in august, so she bouhgt early
4:46 PM Netsua: well... she died and your finally receiving her gifts
me: fucked up, right? My family is screwy
Netsua: and you areunable to thank her
4:48 PM me: oh, and her daughter who is trying to adopt kid from uzebeckistan, she has paid every thing with the 250,000 her dad left her when he died, she doesnt have her baby yet because the country won't let her or something get it
Netsua: that's sad...
me: *get it or something
i know! its really wierd!
4:49 PM so now i get Dead Denise's christmas presents! yay!
Netsua: I cried inside and laughed inside at the same time
4:50 PM me: me too!

this the chat that Austen and i just had. it will explain things. Bye, guys!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Conversation Starter

Mitchell just looked at me and said " Did you know that the Duck-Billed platypus is poisonous?"

I think it's missing something, Da Vinci...

The picture is of Mona Lisa smoking a joint, not a cigarette. Just so you know


bought more flowers for people, including AnnE, Joanna,Michael, Gunnar and Leroy. Leroy yelled at me for "wasting money on him" so i told him to shut the hell up and i can do what i want.
I told him i started smoking, and he hi-fived me. Austen yelled at him for it, but Leroy smokes too so he didn't care.
i'm still waiting for The Others to find out i started, cuz they will scream their heads off at me. Whatever. They have never tried it, so they can't say anything. At least i'm living my life. well, i'm done ranting. Austen: Where is you blog??? it disappeared!!! love you guys. bye

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


bored,hungry,need to pee, need a cigarette, need to be living in my actual house or i'm going to shoot myself, and now i'm done bitching. Austen, please stop nagging me. You're beginning to sound like Adam. At least he didn't try to shove the paper up my nose. He just read it and i ignored him. Love you. bye

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


not much going on... they're selling carnations and roses at school for valentines, and i sent a carnation to all my friends and me.this way, i get one! i used my lunch money though... but its not like i need it so it's all good. I just got rid of a snail on my blog. go to this link, and try it out on another site, like your own blog

and you'll see what i mean. Good luck getting it off, though.

i'm gonna go, cuz the compy is boring me. love ya! bye

Saturday, February 2, 2008

long time no see

sorry its been so long. i dont get a chance to get online much for very long which will also explain the punctuation that i cannot go back to fix for timely reasons.

1. My throat trouble was not from smoking. i have been sick for the past 4 days and this was part of it.
2. Happy 4th annual Snail Day! i mean , lets face it. A Groundhog does not need a whole day to its self.
i gotta run. love you guys. ill post tomorrow. bye!