Friday, August 1, 2008

Im going to the moon and Im taking a head band

so im sitting here alone for the last 3 hours and i realize how depressed i am.
i mean, maybe it's the fact that my brother's girlfriend is almost my age, so it feels like he has a different sister he's replacing me with, or maybe the fact that Shelby is a complete pansy and refuses to own up to her feelings.
whatever,i should say. let people do what they want.
but when it affects me, it also involves me.and then it becomes kind of my business.
And thats about all im going to say because if i dont stop im gonna start crying again.

im trying to help K get over Allison, and it's not working too well.
i found the Jawbreaker from 7th grade, washed it off, then leeroy stole it. then i stole it back.
leeroy cut my hair for me. i really like it nowim actually brushing it everyday, and it feels nice. i have this one strand that's two feet long; the hair's previous length that i plan on never cutting. So when i'm like, 3o, im gonna have to keep it rolled or something.

A lot of people have been coming over: Corbin, Zack, morgan, and of course leeroy. thus, i have not done a SINGLE MOTHERFUCKING THING FOR MY CAMBRIDGE WORK. if i dont bget into those classes im gonna be so pissed. i plan on locking my self in my room this weekend until ive done a decent amount of it.

i did another sketch of leeroy that i think turned out pretty well.

i made a youtube playlist of songs to listen to when im depressed. surprisingly, it actually helps.

there was a opposum in my room last night. kaitlyn, Zack, Brian and mitchell were all in his room and i was in here checking my email. Suddenly, i hear K screamign that there's a opposum in my room. Im thinkin" wha the fuck? i dont see a oppossum..." i had seen a cat but i wasnt really paying attention and i thought it had jumped out the sliding glass door. so they all run in here and i tell them to calm donw, theres no oppossum. they leave, then after a few minutes i go back to his room. im looking in there and i see a kitten. im thinkin i dont have any kittens that size in my room, should i go check? i decide i would in a few minutes. then , after a few moments, soemthing in my room catches my eye. it's a cute as can be baby oppossum looking straight at me from across the hall in my room. i start freaking out, mitchell figures it out immedialty from me looking at my room, he jumps over the wii that zack was playing, and runs into my room as the oppossum runs under a drawer that had been pulled out of the dresser. Zack runs after him to help. me and kaitlyn are sitting there, still flipping our lids. brian's just kinda standing to the side in my room. They manage to catch it using a blanket and a trash can. Mitchell takes it outside to release it back into the wild. in short, i ned to pay more attention to discerning the difference between cats and oppossums.

the nigth before that there was a bat that flew into my room from the sliding glass door. im screaming, kaitlyn's screaming, Mitchell runs in after like, 2 minutes, dad comes in from the screaming.

today dad asked me if im building an ark. i flipped him off.

Zack got high for the first time last night. it was pretty funny, actually.

typing this post has actually made me feel a lot better. I dont know why. So, i updated, and im going to be doing so a lot more often.
<3 you guys.

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