Wednesday, February 13, 2008

a weekend shot

this weekend, Mitchell and i have to housesit for my aunt.the good thing is, that i will have high speed all weekend! yay me!

I got a call from my other aunt, Martha who is living with us at my grandmother's house, saying that Grammy fell out of her wheelchair. How do you accomplish this? She's 76 for god sakes! Whatever. Well, she bumped her head and Martha had to call the rescue squad to pick her back up and make sure she was ok. i'll tell you one thing. life with my family is rarely boring.

i just finished two really depressing book. one about a girl with leukemia and the other about a girl with anorexia. The plot lines were very confusing, but they are now two of my favorites. The leukemia one was My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Piccoult, the other one was Skin by someone else.... both very worth reading. they're tear jerkers. i'm gonna go read another book that i started yesterday by Jodi Piccoult called Nineteen Minutes. All of her books that i have read ( this is the third) have many backround stories, and there is no main one. It skips around a lot in time. This one is about a school shooting, a judge, and her daughter. It's really good. Well, bye! love ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that one you were talking about, My Sister's Keeper! It's good, right? Although you're right. It's a total tear-jerker! I read it thing where you have to audition in band. And then completely failed, but w/e. ANYWAYS! Good book!