Friday, March 27, 2009


I thought I remembered saying I would update today so not being one to lie when i can avoid it, I am.
well, it's barely afternoon so not much has happened. woke up to zach calling me, like usual. I don't think he likes the thought of me alone all day. He's making me do an essay on the Gunslinger by stephen king that I have to turn in to him. 3-5 pages. I know it will help me with all this college stuff and my not being in school, but I'm laaaaaazy. He says he's going to fix that.

so I've been up since 10:05. haven't done much of anything. showered, changed my clothes. cleaned some of the smeared makeup off of my face. had two day old steamed shrimp. I should probably go find something real for breakfast. I wrote a few things last night that I'll post either later today or soon. They're just begginnings to stories, nothing spectacular- plus I wrote them at like one in the morning so I wasn't exactly entirely coherent.

yeah. I'm hungry so I'm going to attempt to find something edible here, which is comparable to finding a glass of ice water in the depths of hell. OH well. I'm not really complainging. I'm still alive.


Netsua Duolc said...

Is Zach like... a teacher?

I thought he was just a friend.... but I don't see why a friend would assign an essay

Subject said...

He wants me to read the book. And... I don't know... I think he's trying to be parental I guess because he knows my lack of...parentals...if you want to call them that. I think of them more like older people who I live with >.<