Thursday, March 26, 2009


nothing really to report.
mitchell's in jail. he took a plea bargain that I may explain later but basically it comes down to he's in there for two weeks or a little more. It's alright though. I mean, tuesday night I didn't take it quite as well as I would have expected from myself. But no one was online, Zach was doing something...and my mom was drunk...and I mean, there's a box of razorblades right fucking next to the front door. Doing that to me is like putting a syringe next to a heroin addict and expecting him not to touch it. So I have 4 vices. Smoking, cutting, pot, and drinking. But I'm quitting smoking soon. I can tell myself I've quit cutting but I know it's more likely that I'll do it again sometime. And pot and drinking are social so I dont really count those. I'm not exactly a healthy person. But oh well. I've survived thus far.

Monday night before court the next morning Mitchell taught me macrame.
for those who don't know it's kinda like braiding but with four strings instead of three. Not really, but it's comparable and the easiest way to explain it. But yeah. so I've been doing some of that and it's nice. it keep my hands busy which will help with quitting smoking and it lets me think...which may not be the best thing for me to do now that I think about it. But again, oh well.

I've been listenign to music a lot more than I had been lately. I guess I took a break while everything was falling apart for some reason which makes no fucking sense since that could have helped me. When we went to walmart the other day, which I'll explain later cuz it's kind of a sob stroy I guess, Mitchell and I bought like 6 different cds which was nice. I like to own the actually physical disk as well as have to music on my computer. I dunno. I guess I'm weird like that.
So we got best of three dog night cuz we had none for some god awful reason, the eagles new album which really isn't bad, bat out of hell which is surprisingly good, lynard skynard (mitchell's. I don't like them that much) and the bets of warren zevon which was the entire reason i wanted to go in the first place. Also was the last thing I found. one copy left. sitting on some strange shelf in front of a letter that I dont think even sounded like Z.

and now I've lost my train of thought because Zach called me and I was on the phone for 40 minutes.

I'll try to post tomorrow. I'm going to go read or something and wait for him to finish his homework.

peace guys.


Netsua Duolc said...

I'm really glad that Mitchell is only in jail for about two weeks.... I can understand why he'd be cheerful...

Everyone at school misses you, Sarah...

I've been telling myself that I'm going to quit smoking too for a while now.... I guess I just don't have the self-control.... but one or two a day isn't really that harmful, right?

I don't think you ever told me about Zach.... How'd you guys meet?

Subject said...

I don't know why they would miss me... I mean, most of them I secretly hated, you know? Well, not hated. I don't hate. But at least found them extremely obnoxious.

The thing about the smoking is that I don't even fucking inhale. And very rarely do I have more than like, 3 a week. Of course, this has changed since I've told myself I'm quitting and it's upped to maybe 2 a day. But still. I sympathize. And pretty much the whole reason I'm going to quit is Zach because he hates it and I know I need to quit for my6self and not someone else...but that's beside the point.

Well, that successfully entered him into the reply. Zach is my boyfriend...and don't worry about not being told. Neither of us told anyone except for those who absolutely needed to know because of...issues.
He's a friend of my sister's. They go to college together. So while we did happen to meet on facebook, it's not like internet dating because we have ties to each other in real life.

so yeah. bf. I don't have self control either. and tell the people at school I say hi...I guess...

Netsua Duolc said...

I think that a lot of the reason that so many people like you is your intimidation factor... Something about you, when you walk around, you just seem confident and intimidating.

And I can definitely sympathize with the annoyance.... If I didn't think I would go insane and become even more socially retarded, I would definitely choose to be home schooled.

...I've really missed you, Sarah. I was wondering if I could come over sometime, at least for a little while to talk..... because we haven't had a real conversation in forever....

Netsua Duolc said...

Oh, and I'm really glad you found somebody like Zach. Kudos to you.

Subject said...

I know the intimidation factor is a reason so many people put up with me, but that's certainly not a reason for liking me. I'm a bitch, I know it, and I don't like people pushing me and my friends around. And I always thought I looked...not confident. At least walking. In normal conversation, sure. I can be whatever I need to be. I have masks :D

I'm glad I found him to.

And seriously dude, do come over. It gets so quiet here, and I'm scared of becoming even more socially retarded than I am ( your concerns definitely have basis)
I'd love to see you

Subject said...

*too. I'm also scared of not being able to handle grammar correctly. Like that.