Monday, March 10, 2008

bored..and bored...

you know, i'm sure this has been apperent to you all, and in my subconscious it has been to me, too. But i just realized that, i'm fucking EMO!!! And i'm damn proud of it. ususlly, i don't really like getting asigned to a "side" but, shit happens. Although, i can be very judgmental, but that's not the point. Also, i think i'm bipolar, which would explain my inability to go a day without laughing at something stupid... ADD is also a possibility, cuz it's hard to concentrate sometimes, but that might be th Bipolar... ness...? OOH OOH OOH I have come to another great conclusion, like about Santa? But this one is about Jesus. JESUS HAS AIDS!!!!! Yeah, you heard me bitch!!!
See? I change topics regularly. Anyway. i'm going to be trying to take War Girl to the mall, cuz we haven't really talked for a while. Also, i'll probably be going to the Thorton River Grille with Austen... If mom lets me.well, that's all i have to report... Bye guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

first off dude, the Jesus comment was uncalled for.
You're not emo, unless you want to be. You are (insert name here) -not going to because its the internet and i dont want you to be raped. I laugh at stupid stuff everyday, I'm not bipolar. Who is this war girl?!!