Thursday, March 27, 2008


i know i havnt posted in a while but i dont get a chance often, you know? Well, basically, two days ago, my dad came here, after pretty much leaving, which is when we moved in, Anyhow, after about 20 minutes, Grammy basicllay told him to get the fuck out. What a functional family. Well, i'm going to see him tomorrow,one of his days off from work...yes work! he finally found a job! he works part time for Circuit City in winchester! i'm so happy for him! anyhow. Well probably be going to amovie and lunch and stuff cuz i havnt seen him in forever and ever. But, not everything is ahppy. i just wrote this draft of an email i might send to mitchell if he ever pisses me off to much like he almost did just now. here it is:

you know, the only thing in this worl that you have done for me is make it miserable. You tell me to grow up, when you are the one that acts like he's still in 9th grade. I'm still 14. you, my friend are the reason that i had no childhood. yah. i still blame you, and i always will. i don't want you to kill your self, i want you to change. i want you to realize that life doesnt always go your way, and that when it doesnt, you cant just break the television set and go to sleep. It doesnt work. Not once, Not once have you taken responsiblity fro your actions. yiur 18 now. Stop acting like a douch bag, grow some balls, and grow the fuck up.

Nice? i liked it at the time. havnt reread it yet.

When dad came he brought the presents from Dead Denise , which were a wallet, stationary, and a kick ass alarm clock. Dad and nancy included stuff to. zMagazine clippings, Snail shaped cookies!,little cloth snails (about the size of a quarter) and these tattoos from the poptarts box. Just little stuff, but the little stuff is what counts.

well, i'll tell you what happens tomorrow when i get back. Love ya! Bye

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