Monday, March 31, 2008

To All It May Concern

So today i went to Dr.Deckers and talked to him. Dad dropped me off here, nad i walked in. i went in my grandmothers room to check on her and to tell her i was here. Apparently, before Martha and Mitchell left, Grammy messed her pants badly. So they cleaned her up a bit. then, they left without saying goodbye, so she didnt know if they were there or not. So i come in, and my grandmother is in the bed. She tells me that she didnt want it to happen again, and hadnt wanted to get up in case the motion made it happen, so she hadnt gotten up to pee, and had done it in the bed . Great. So i make her get up, i change the dirty sheets, and get her a new shirt. then, while she is still on the toilet, she tells me to get a warm wet rag and clean her back off. not wanting to do, i do it anyway. This was all as i walked in the door. i hadnt even put my stuff down when she started giving me orders. So, this 14 year old girl is rinsing off her grandmothers back. The room stinks like shit, and she is being a bitch like always. She sees some of her mess on the floor and she wants me to clean it up. And i do. So i changed the gross blankets and put more on the bed. When im done and she is finally in bed, i leave. i get to the computer room and im about to sit down when she calls me back. i go back there.
"Oh, never mind."
ok. So i leave again. Then, i get to the computer room, and she yells about her heating pad.
So i go back there and put the pad on high and i tuck it on her shoulder.
then i came up here to type this.

This post is not just going to be me bitching. im tired of bitching. im tired of dealing with this. i am tired of dealing with life. Which is why tonight, i am going to end it all. i have done some research, and have found that if i mix my grandmother's cholesterol pill with niquil, it will kill me in about 25 minutes. So, i have the niquil right here next to me, and i can see the box which contains the bottle of pills. If you are thinking about how much i have to look forward to, shut the fuck up. the only chance i am going to have to move back home is when my grandmother dies. Even then, I personally wont be able to move in until the house is clean and the cats are gone. So, here is my Last Will And Testament.

I, Sarah Virginia Young Ames, being of sound body and unsound mind, do wish to proceed my Will and Testament.

To Austen Havens Orien Cloud, i wish to give all of my cigarettes that i may have lying around. Also, the gloves from hot topic, Blue, and my seventh grade portfolio. Also, my Beatles posters other than the one Adam picks out. Please help him do it.

To Adam Ryan Carter, i wish to give every single pen or pencil i own, or have ever owned. Also,one beatles poster so you may actually learn their names, and which ones are alive and dead.

To Mitchell Douglas Young Ames, my brother. i wish to give furniture, and my room of he still wants it.

To Eve Iris Nealon. i wish to give my barbie perfume, and any Axe i may have left.

To Christopher Earl Mitchell (Leeroy), my "brother" I leave my slinky, and Tiny Lego Man. Also,if you wish, you can have copies of the pictures from the mall.

To Lois Marie Young,i leave my clothes that she wants, because she wears them anyway.

To Mark Duane Ames i leave all of my music videos and dvds.

to Sara Michelle Kitchen i leave all of my teddy bears.

To... i don't know who else. what ever you want, i guess, you can have. but be nice to each other about it.

I just finished my last cigarrete, and i'm going to go steal one of my mom's beers for my last drink.

Love you. Bye.

P.S. read the comment section. if you dont, i haunt you till you die


Subject said...

Dear Sara,

APRIL FOOL'S! I love you. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't be mad at me. it's just a joke, right? I dont get a chance to do this type of pranks. Love you! Lots and Lots!

Subject said...

i just reread this, and realized how badly you culd take this...if your mad, email me. well, email me anyway. Love and miss you,
Sarah, who is still alive and will be for a long long time.

Anonymous said...

please! =[

Anonymous said...

yeah. that wasnt funny. it was sick.