Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I don't feel like finishing that post. Since the blond streaks didn't work,I put in red streaks. I think It looks really good.

You know, I am what a lot of people would call " Emo", but I'm actually kinda happy. I mean, nobody's life is perfect. I dress the way I want to dress, talk like I want to talk, and do what I want to do. Mitchell is getting me a pair of Tripp pants, i can out-cuss a sailor, and I pretty much rule my own life. I mean, my mom realizes that the shit I do is meaningless, like dying my hair. She doesn't care. And, OMG! She let two boys sleep in my room! Isn't that CUH- RAAAAAAZZYY??? Sorry, I like to make fun of stupid people. BTW, I only say OMG to make fun of people.

Ok. I'm done. George came back tot he house because our neighbor's son was being a bitch, and he felt bad for me being here all alone. Honestly, I'm fine alone, but I cant tell him that. he doesn't get it. i guess I'll go watch him play Animal Crossing, because my back hurts really bad from being in a sedentary position for the last hour and a half. Ok. Buh- Bye!

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