Tuesday, January 22, 2008

booga wooga

At my aunt's house. she picked me up from my house after school.My aunt rose sent me another care package. Gloves, a suede purse, and candy. and a tINKERBELL PLANNER THAT I'M GOING TO GIVE TO oops.didn't know caps lock was on. i'm going to give it to Mitchell since he likes Tinkerbell.please, someone email me. My life is going to be shit for the next month, so please bare with me. If i insult or offend you, i truly am sorry. i'm not in complete control of how i'm acting.

Talked to Leroy. he was very sweet. he said to get in contact with him if i need anything.
i'm gonna go now. talk to you guys later. Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mitchell...? Tinkerbell?? *the mind boggles* o.o