Monday, January 7, 2008

Rantings of a small town girl

This is the view i see every morning, except more beautiful and less cartoony. Blue Ridge Mountains. i live in the middle of nowhere. i repeat NOWHERE. i love the landscape. i want to separate the people from their left legs and beat them with them. Stupid gossips and inter-breeders. The local hangout? the Q-Stop. Affectionately referred to as the Quickie Mart. There are no traffic lights. None. At. All.
My 8th grade class has 54 kids in it. We have no Middle school building, so 8th grade is in the high school, but we have a different schedule. The High school has less than 900 students, i think. Not sure. My English and Science classes both have less than 13 kids in it.Big change from what you assume, right?

i am completely awake now. i'm gonna go find breakfast. bye!

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