Friday, January 25, 2008


i've noticed that i talk about Leroy a lot on here, but you have to understand. He has evolved into one of my best friends in a matter of 2 months. Plus, he's pretty much my only high school friend. The rest, i don't feel that bond with, like i can talk to them freely, and they won't be judgmental. it's really nice. well, i saw him today, but we didn't talk. He came into my Science class on a mission from a different teacher, and while he was talking to Mrs. Sanborn, he started saying "You should be nice to her, ( gestures to me), She's one of the only eighth graders that," but the teacher interrupted him. oh well. But i wish i could have talked to him today. This is a weird feeling, to only want to talk to one person. i mean, i have my reasons, not all concerning him, but that's beside the point. Ok. i need to bitch, but i'll do it later. i'm hungry. bye!

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