Saturday, April 4, 2009


went to sleep at 5 this morning. woke up at 7:45 to go see Mitchell.
came back home fore a few hours. went to ginger's vow renewal at 12.
sat in a church for an hour.
did not get struck by lightning.
helped mom plant pansies on fauz's grave.
went to the reception at my grandmother's house.
talked to people who I have not seen in years, some whom I didnt even remember.
as we were leaving frank sees the cuts on my hand and asked who bit me. I didnt answer. he says" those arent bites?" and I don't answer. just changed the subject back to the beer he had tried to give me 20 minutes before. took a sip and left.
then we went to walmart where I found eyeshadow that almost matches my eyes perfectly. mom got fish and four snails for her aquarium.some food. then we went home.

it was the kind of day where it makes me wish I had had more than just the one hit off of Roger before leaving the house.

I'm tired, kinda hungry,and a little bit cranky.
I'm going to eat some cantalope and go read my book until I fall asleep.

good night, happy days to all


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