Monday, April 6, 2009


about a lot.
this potato tastes liek choclate.

and I think it would be cool fi when you step on something like a fork you wouldn't get stabbed or have to say "ouch I stepped on that" but you'd get sucked down into the item and it had this little justice system that would tell you you were bad for being negligent about the thing and would be all "dont do it again grr" and then it would let you go back up.

and how Zach practically hug up on me because he realized I was high as balls. Could over hear him and my sister talking her saying she wasnt mad, but dissappointed, and him saying he was mad. I have a bad feeling that if I continue to smoke (anything) our relationship is either going to fail or become very stressed.

fuck my life.


Netsua Duolc said...

That paragraph about the fork think was really interesting... it sounds like a symbol... what made you think of it?

Subject said...

I was just sitting in my computer chair, and I swiveled around because I wanted to get up and I wasn't sure if I could stand, and I looked at the ground and there was a fork there. And I started playing out the scenario of me stepping on said fork when I stood. And I didn't want my foot to be stabbed, so I changed it.