Sunday, April 5, 2009

nothing to say.

I'm just kinda bored.

Mitchell gets out in 9 days. I need to clean his room before he comes home.

I had been sleeping in there even before he left because I really really really (really) don't like sleeping in my room alone (multiple reasons.) so I had been sleeping on my couch that he stole from me a while back. Then he left and I continued because of my aversion to my room and because it made me feel better.
So effectively I have messed it up a little.

I really just want to have a party.
Just kick back with some friends, a fire, music, Roger Roland Malone, some drinks.....ah.

I also really want to sketch something. My fingers are practically shaking with creativity right now. So drawing something would be like masturbation for my hands right now. The finished product being its cum.

Suddenly it doesn't surprise me why people give me strange looks.

I lost my pack of Turkish Silvers.

I don't need them, I would just really enjoy them right now.

I also need to clean my room. It's god awful.
And I need to rearrange it a little. My bed is currently next to the wall that is next to the laundry room where mom sleeps. And that just won't work.... especially if I became sexually active (which I'm not and not planning on it) and because I sit there when I'm on the phone and the majority of my conversations do not need to be over heard, at the very least by my mother.

I wonder something. What exactly is the point of purchasing white pants? They're just going to get dirty. Might as well buy black of brown pants instead; it will be the end result.
The fact that I myself own a pair of white pants is not the point of the story. It was part of a halloween costume and they just happen to be sort of comfortable. I also am aware that they will not be white for long and have taken to doodling little hippie type things on my legs. I have a rainbow on my knee. I wonder how many people can say that and not be lying.

I also wonder something else.
Why is it that if a chick has a dildo, she is considered "sexually revolutionized" or whatever, but when I a guy gets a fleshlight he's pathetic? I've thought about this a lot, and I seriously can;t come up with a good answer. Anyone?

I really didn't expect to say this much. I figured it would just be a useless list of things I've done and haven't done and more of me feeling sorry for myself (which I have no business doing) but this was nice.

current music: Everything Will Be Alright by The Killers
current mood: thoughtful/jumpy
current footwear: none

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