Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Viva la Vida

doing nothing...
just listening to coldplay, then some julian lennon.
kinda want to go down to the creek, but it's a little cold and the pants I'm wearing have two huge holes in the leg.

thinking about calling dad and seeing if he could take me to dr. decker's on Thursday. I just really need to get shit off my chest, and I'm getting tired of publishing posts full of nothing but bitching.

so I may do that. I dont know when dad is planning on coming home, or even if he is. This is such a fucked up situation.

Mom got me another exit sign for my room. It's not like the other one; it just needs to perch on something instead of being screwed into the wall. So I put it above my sliding glass door on the plate rack that sits there.

The phones got turned off last night because we hadnt paid the bill. So when zach tried to call me this morning it didnt work. so I emailed mom and she paid it and now balance is restored to the force.

I feel like running. I don't care where. Just running.
This is strange.

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