Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snow Day!

i now have a 5 day weekend because they canceled school today, we have off tomorrow and Monday. i just came in from outside building a snowman. It has a cigarette in its hand and a bottle of Bawls (an energy drink) in the other. its not well done, but i like the additions, even though the cigarette is wet from the snow. Eve and Mitchell are just lounging in front of thwe fire that they didn't even have the decency to get the wood for. Last night, my mom called from her cell phone that she was at the top of the driveway and would we help her load the pickup with firewood.i told the message to Mitchell and Eve but they just sat there playing computer games. i think his laziness is rubbing off on her. i think i'm beginning to hate both of them. You can't even criticize Mitchell without him asking you if you want him to kill himself or for you to shut up. Great. Now i'm all pissed off thinking about it. OOOH! Good news! i might be seeing Amanda on Sunday! She works at Denny's so she invited mom and i to come see her. i hope mom can take me. i miss her a lot. A Lot. well, i'm gonna go email her. Bye!

1 comment:

vacío posmo said...

All the lonely people
Where do they all come from?

Saludos from Mar del Plata Argentina
